Libre Food Pantry & Thea’s Pantry

   Both the main GitLab page for Libre Food Pantry and its repository for Thea’s Pantry were very informative about the overall project and its desired direction. While Libre Food Pantry is a more broad project which contains Thea’s Pantry as a client the webpage was very informative not only on the standard for developing but also for the purpose of this free code.

   The main thing that caught my eye on was the mission page as the page explains that this project is meant to aid humanitarian organizations (food pantries) and help modernize their inner workings. I chose to write about this as I was surprised that multiple other universities are also apart of the project and using it to teach computer science students more about teamwork and different types/categories of code.

   Thea’s Pantry on the other hand as it is a client solution and has more specified content including three systems with frontends and backends there is a lot more code to dive into. The thing I found most interesting in Thea’s Pantry was the Reporting System as this system is not something I would initially think of when developing software for use in a Food Pantry but it is definitely something very useful when it comes to tracking incoming and outgoing products. I chose to write about the reporting system as when reading about the different systems I found the reporting to be something more unique which is not necessarily seen in a large portion of food pantries as a reporting system is not included in the same way in the other projects of Libre Food pantry.

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