Black Box Testing,is%20carried%20out%20by%20tester.

Black box testing is a genre of testing which does not take a codes functionality into consideration, in other words the internal workings of the code are not known to the test and the tests are formed strictly by external workings. This is very different from white box testing as white box testing operates under the idea that the ‘tester’ has extensive knowledge of how a system was created along with its inner workings. Some of the differences between black and white box testing are black box testing is carried out by ‘tester’ while white box testing is left to software developers, black box testing is considered behavior testing while white box testing is considered logic testing and black box testing is typically used in system testing while white box testing is used in unit testing. There are also ways in which these two types of testing are similar which is mainly their purpose which is to ensure that a system is working correctly and that you have the best version of the software available.

I chose this article because I liked how it not only explained black box testing but it also compares black box testing to white box testing in order to allow a deeper understanding of the relationship between the two types of testing. I am very interested in seeing how different methods of black box testing work as for the most part we have been practicing with white box testing methods in class so far this semester so the concept of testing without extensive knowledge of a system or without access to the systems internal workings and code seems both interesting and challenging to me. 

With there being a large gap in knowledge of a system between the two different types of testing it seems as though black box testing is something that is done by others not necessarily full blown software developers as developers are expected to spend their time on white box testing so It makes me wonder how exactly these tests are written and how specific results may be measured for success compared to the more straightforward nature of white box testing. Since black box testing can be used for just about every type of testing, even some of the sames types of testing white box is used for it would be nice to see and compare how tests are carried out for both types of testing on a similar component of a system in order to differentiate the information used by each type.

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